Authors must submit an original contribution in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling. Please, use our Easychair submission system to upload your contribution.
The link is:
There are two different categories for submissions
The authors are free to express whether or not they wish to publish their contribution in the MDPI (this is not mandatory). Those authors who do not want their contribution to be published in MDPI, of course they can make the presentation of their contribution in ITISE.
Final Full papers should contain 5-9 pages in its final version according to the MPDI Proceeding Engineering template. Authors must strictly follow the format provided, as well as MDPI's rules (novelty, no plagiarism problem, relevance, etc.) for submitting their contributions.
As stated in MPDI Proceeding Engineering (more information in the web page of MDPI):
Manuscripts submitted to MDPI journals must meet the highest standards of publication ethics:
.- Manuscripts should only report results that have not been presented or published before, even in part.
.- Manuscripts must be original and must not reuse text from another source without proper citation.
For any question, please Contact us.
We encourage authors of full paper to include their ORCIDs in the contribution.
The strict deadline for submitting your source files for MDPI is 15TH MAY 2023 (early registration is required, and submit the contribution in the appropiate submenu:).
In this edition of ITISE-2023, the contributions, whose authors have wished, are published in MPDI Proceeding Engineering.
Information from MPDI Proceeding Engineering can be found in MPDI Proceeding Engineering
The last edition of ITISE (ITISE-2022) published the proceedings in Eng. Proc. MDPI
This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Engineering Proceedings (ISSN 2673-4591) (available at:
Abstract submissions are also accepted (about two pages is recommended in LNCS format or directly plain text in the Easychair). Abstracts must be submitted directly in the EasyChair platform.
Once they have been accepted, a selection of high quality abstracts can be extended before final papers submission deadline. The authors are free to express whether or not they wish to publish their contribution in the MDPI (this is not mandatory). Authors of accepted abstract should contact, by email to, indicating their interest in completing the extension to full paper. The strict deadline for submitting extended abstract (as full paper), including your source files for MDPI is 15TH MAY 2023 (early registration is required, and submit the contribution in the appropiate submenu:).
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, under ISBN reference.
After review process, all the accepted contributions, according to the suggestions of the reviewers, will be classified as: full paper (10-12 pages in LNCS format), abstract and/or short paper (maximun 8 pages, published in the conference proceedings, under ISBN references).
Selected contributions will consider to be published in the book series of Springer: Contributions to Statistics (tentative). For the selection procedure, the information/evaluation of the chairman of the session in conjunction with the review comments and the summary of reviews, will be taken into account. "The series Contributions to Statistics contains publications in theoretical and applied statistics, including for example applications in medical statistics, biometrics, econometrics and computational statistics. " ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Thompson Reuters) and DBLP database.
All accepted contributions, with the information/evaluation of the chairman of the session in conjunction with the review comments and the summary of reviews, will be taken into account for selecting the very high quality contributions for Special Issues.