Special issues (tentative)

A list of papers with very high quality will be selected to be extended and submitted in different special issues. We have currently contacted these journals:

journal_mdpi.png Different special issues currently contacted for attendees of ITISE.
Forecasting Journal

We wish to communicate the Special Issue by the Forecasting Journal. It is open to all the interested researchers, with particular attention to the attendees of the ITISE conference.


Organizer encourage you to contribute a research or comprehensive review article for consideration for publication in Sustainability, an international Open Access journal which provides an advanced forum for research findings in areas related to sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability publishes original research articles, review articles and communications. I am confident you will find the journal contributes to enhancing understanding of sustainability and fostering initiatives and applications of sustainability-based measures and activities.

Associate Prof. Ebrahim Ghaderpour , Assistant Professor in Department of Earth Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome


Econometrics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on econometric modeling and forecasting, as well as new advances in econometrics theory, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.

Toxics (MDPI)

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

The pollution of air, water, and soil with different materials, chemical products, and constantly increasing amounts of waste is a global issue. It is also considered that biodegradation in the environment occurs after or simultaneously with physical and chemical degradation, which modifies the pollutants’ structure to the molecular level, generating more and more waste through increasingly complex processes to control. Currently, there are only exceptions regarding, for example, pollution with plastic materials, antibiotics, fertilizers, etc. and the study of colonizing microorganisms, biodegradation processes, and the toxic effects of these materials or chemical products on terrestrial biota and implicitly on health human being of great interest.

Therefore, the purpose of this special issue on "Advances in water, air and soil pollution monitoring, modeling and restoration "is to assess the air, water and soil pollution by different evaluation methods and to apply the finding for possible mitigation measures. The articles selected for this special issue will provide an overview of the actual research stage in the field, aiming to assess the risks and impact on the environment.

Besides the solutions to the practical problems of cleaning the water, air and soil, the selected topics will directly answer questions related to selecting different tools that best emphasize the environmental quality changes and their impact on society's future.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Prof. Dr. Hab. Alina Bărbulescu, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania, alina.barbulescu@unitbv.ro


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hab. Cristian Ștefan Dumitriu, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania, cris.dum.stef@gmail.com


Hydrology (MDPI)


Hydrology is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of hydrology published monthly online by MDPI. The American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) and Japanese Society of Physical Hydrology (JSPH) are affiliated to Hydrology and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.


Prof. Dr. Hab. Alina Bărbulescu, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania, alina.barbulescu@unitbv.ro


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hab. Cristian Ștefan Dumitriu, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania, cris.dum.stef@gmail.com

